The most fascinating aspect of our sliding hardware systems should be the applications they make possible. That is why we place so much value on a product range that opens the door to even the most creative ideas.
Wood architectural hardware
Especially light-running doors, room subdivisions, space-saving folding window fronts or sliding walls that park in a tight apartment corner.
Brochure: Flip (Vers. 09 2014)
Glass/metal architectural hardware
Glass is all about transparency, so our mechanical contribution should stay out of sight as far as possible. Most of the time, all you will see of Hawa hardware is an elegant suspension profile or a harmoniously integrated cover cap.
Brochure: Flip (Vers. 2017)
Hardware for sliding shutters
Whether wood, metal or plastic shutters, manual or automatic operation, for large or small surface areas – design ideas quickly take shape thanks to our hardware solutions.
Brochure: Flip (Vers. 2017)
Extra light and quiet-action foldaway cabinet fronts, heavy mirror-fronted panels that gently roll aside or scissor-hinged doors that tuck out of sight in one smooth sweep.
Brochure: Flip (Vers. 2017)
Video clip Hawa Range (8 min.)
Helpful documents are ready for downloading from the HAWA-Productfinder for every hardware system: Ordering details, planning and assembly instructions, drawings in dxf format, photos, brochures, performance specifications.